رَبيع الأوّل 14 1446
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New videos coming
for the month of Dhul Qa'dah

No one can force you

In Surah 34: 20 we are warned by Allah SWT that ultimately for most people, no one can force you to disobey Allah. In particular, Shaitan, the devil DOES NOT possess that power. Allah did not give him that ability. If you don’t know what Allah expects of you, do the work. What, who is stopping you? Clearly Allah expects us to fulfill our purpose in the few years we are down here in the lower level (dunya = world).

Surah 34:20

And on them did Satan
Prove true his idea,
And they followed him, all
But a Party that believed.

Shaitan, out of sheer arrogance, had the audacity to say to Allah SWT when asking for respite “I will bring (Adam’s) descendants under my sway, all but a few”.

This was proved true on the people of Saba, but again he had no power to force them. It is the human’s own will that put’s themselves under Shaitan’s sway.

Surah 34:21

But he had no authority
Over them,- except that We
Might test the man who
Believes in the Hereafter
From him who is in doubt
Concerning it: and thy Lord
Doth watch over all things.

Those who believe will behave differently, they have the fear of standing before their Lord. Shaitan’s only aim whilst he has the freedom and ability, is to take as many humans as he can with him to Hell. He will be relentless, but it’s important to remember, the most he can do to anyone, is make suggestions.

“And if (at any time), an incitement to discord is made to thee by the Satan, Seek refuge in Allah. He is the One who hears and knows all things” Surah 41:36

Evil kills life, we have a conscience, a soul. Persistently and deliberately disobeying Allah SWT day after day, week after week, year after year, will eventually gnaw away at you and leave your soul screaming!

The effect of Allah’s Word

  • For the soul, spirit, Allah’s word – the Quran will give life, beauty and fruitfulness.
  • Daily life is made simpler. There’s only 1 that you are trying to please. Not multiple people
  • Converts dead souls into living souls. You will release your heart, no longer harboring hatred, malice or spite.
  • It will help you in carrying out your purpose – serving Allah al Kareem.
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