رَبيع الأوّل 15 1446
New videos coming
for the month of Dhul Qa'dah
New videos coming
for the month of Dhul Qa'dah

Don’t worry – I got this!

Surah 26: 123


  1. The’Ad (people) rejected
    The messengers.
  2. Behold, their brother Hud
    Said to them: “Will ye not
    Fear (Allah)?
    “I am to you a messenger
    Worthy of all trust:3195
  3. “So fear Allah and obey me.
    “No reward do I ask
    Of you for it: my reward
    Is only from the Lord
    Of the Worlds:
  4. “Do ye build a landmark
    On every high place
    To amuse yourselves?3196
  5. “And do ye get for yourselves
    Fine buildings in the hope
    Of living therein (for ever)?
    ..And when ye strike
    You strike
    Like tyrants.3197

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