رَبيع الأوّل 12 1446
New videos coming
for the month of Dhul Qa'dah
New videos coming
for the month of Dhul Qa'dah

About Us

Our Focus

About Al Haqqa.org

We are dedicated to the work of Dawah and are actively involved in spreading the message of Islam.

We aim to clear the misunderstandings, distortions and fabrications thus making the truth, beauty and simplicity of Islam accessible to anyone who wants to reach for it.

We are focused on delivering reminders and lectures online, in Masjids and across university campuses in the UK and around the World by focusing only on the Quran and Sunnah and the rightly guided caliphs during dawah activities.

Additionally, we are involved in interfaith programmes and various community events.

Finally, we are committed to raising the consciousness of the Muslims to fulfil the responsibility of Dawah and become a source of benefit for all, Insha'Allah.


Pillars of Islam

  • Shahadah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Zakat
  • Hajj

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